Community Donation

Donation amount
 Community Donation
Make a donation of your choosing. 100% of donation stays at Pearre Creek. If you prefer to send a check please mail to PCES PTO 1811 Townsend BLVD. Your donation will be used to support our students and teachers.

Pearre Creek Elementary Community Donation

On behalf of the Pearre Creek PTO executive board, I would like to thank you for your interest in supporting Pearre Creek Elementary school. The Invest in the Best campaign is an opportunity for our families, neighbors, community members, and other friends of Pearre Creek to support our neighborhood school in a manner that directly benefits the students, teachers, and staff of the school. 

Your tax deductible donation to Invest in the Best enriches our children’s education by supporting programming, facilities, technology, and school/grounds beautification. The ability of the PTO to provide stable and ongoing support for our school and its programs is one of the qualities that makes Pearre Creek a wonderful place to grow and learn.

We are so grateful for your support and assistance. Every donation of any size is very much appreciated. 



Samantha Peterson

PTO President






Corporate Sponsors

We are so thankful to our local business partners for their generosity! Click HERE to view all our amazing sponsors. 

Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.