We want to thank all of our Pearre Creek families for your generosity and support during this year's Invest in the Best campaign which was held in September. We raised a total of $74,512.53 to support our school. The funds are being used to purchase document cameras for every classroom, update the gymnasium lighting and sound, support teacher classroom needs, provide new library furniture and monthly teacher lunches and more! This year we had over 70% participation rate which is absolutely amazing. Kindergarten won a class party with 87% participation and third grade class won the coin jug competition and will also get a party.
We loved celebrating our success at this year's "Let's Glow Panthers" Panther Party which was held on September 30th. The students glowed in their Panther Party t-shirts, enjoyed fun games, bounce houses, food trucks and danced! We ended the night with sliming Mrs. Alexandrow as we met our goal.
Special thanks to Meagan Smith who was the chair of this year's Invest in the Best campaign and Courtney Sanders who was the chair of the Panther Party!
We'd also like to thank all of our sponsors including Franklin Celebrations (Courtney Sanders) who did the balloons, VIPs Entertainment (Alistair Tober) who helped with lighting and Snaps with Sally (Sally Konarzewski) who took photos of the event and all other sponsors who had booths. You can access the event photos here.